Alice Cooper


Alice Cooper:
Alice Cooper is my favorite musician.
Not just because of his songs, but
from the songs to the stage shows,
from the actor to the character.
Alice broke the rules and crashed through the boundaries back in the 60's and 70's.
His stage shows were and still are regarded by many as groundbreaking and unique. Alice influenced most of the artists we have today in one way or another, whether it be persona, music, or the lavish stage shows. 
Alice Cooper, will be remembered as one of the greatest musicians and most influential people of all time.

Taylor Swift


Taylor Swift:
All I can say is...

Wednesday 13

I met Wednesday and his band, on the 13 of Feb 2010, on his Valentines day massacre tour.  It was.... AWESOME!

I love the comedy in his songs, the fact that he sings about scary movies and everything is scary. He likes Alice Cooper and Vincent Price and also the Addams family... We must be related.