
This is Lesley-Anne, a rare breed of homo sapien.

One amazing girl,
She is the best any man could hope for in a girl.
She makes wicked lunches, and does all she can for me.
I know that if I, or any of her close friends ask her for a favor she will do all she can to do it.
Lesley is clingy but cute, she has to get her own way, or you will know about it.

Truth is, she deserves to have most things her way, because she does so much for so many people. 

We met on facebook (which she is on too often)
and at first, she liked me, then hated me, then liked me again, now she loves me, well... so she says.

Although I can stretch my arms out more, she will not admit I love her more.

She is a pleasure to know and as we say, we have our ups and downs, but we get threw them.

Love you Lesbey!
She is myworld.
I look forward to many more years with you.